Why Children of God Suffer.

It’s been been awhile since I shared something on my blog. I have been so preoccupied and worried these past few days. But I thank God for His grace to finally share something with you.
Sometimes, when we pass through difficult situations, we tend to ask God “why me?”. We fail to understand the reason behind these troubles.
In every tribulation we pass through in life, there is always a reason behind it, which is usually for our own good. As the bible said in 1Cor 10:13 that “All things works for good to them that love God”.
We also know that God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that “I alone knows the plans I have for you, plans of prosperity and not of disaster and plans to bring about the future we hope for. There is a road we must all pass through to get to the future we hope for. The road a person will travel on, is quite different from that which another will pass through to get to their expected end.
On each road we pass through, we will encounter alot of hurdles and troubles we must conquer and win for us to get to that future we all hope for(our price)… It is like running a race.
So then, we must be ready to conquer all our troubles and come out victorious at the end of the tunnel. Each and everyone of us must encounter some varying degrees of tribulations according to how our strenght can carry us and according to the prize attached to it. When you consider this well, you will find out that the greater the price, the greater the risk and vice versa. That is the law of life.
So therefore, the price which you hope to win will determine the amount of troubles you have to pass through in life.
Jesus Christ had to pay the greatest sacrifice in order to win the greates prize of all. He gave up His life and even before He died, He went through alot of humiliations and rejections, but finally, He was glorified above all creation and God made Him the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through whom all have salvation.
God is interested in every aspect of our lives; small or big. He wants us to be purified like gold and used for His purpose on earth. He therefore, uses tribulations to form and shape us (Romans 5:3-15) to be used for the purpose for which He created us.
1. To make us grow in wisdom and knowledge of Him which we will have to apply when in contact with similar situations to solve our problems.
Problems we encounter in life may include how to create a means of income, how to relate better with people, how to make our marriage work, how to raise our children, and so on.
All of these problems require the application of God’s wisdom and knowledge to solve them. So then, God makes us pass through difficult situations to teach us to be humble, patient, self-controlled, gentle, good managers of resources, etc, and when we must have been trained in these ways, we will then find it easier to apply when faced with similar situations.
2. To prevent an impending disaster from happening to us.
Sometimes, we seek for things we did not know in the shortrun will be very harmful and disastrous to our lives, only to find out in the longrun how wrong we were to have sought after such things. For the Bible said in Psalm 91:3 that “He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases”.
That man whom you so dearly love may not be your husband.
That job you seek may not be the job God has for you.
3. To make us suffer for our past sins and sincerely repent of them.
A woman may be experiencing difficulty in conceiving and giving birth as a result of the abortion or series of abortion she carried out while she single and wild. God may then decide to punish her and make her realise her sins and sincerely repent of them. If she realises this and asks God for forgiveness, God, who is a merciful and loving father will definitely forgive her and answer her prayer.
So then, when we pass through difficult times, it is wise for us to reflect on our lives and discover whether it is as a result of our sins.
4. To Glorify His Holy name and increase our faith in Him.
You see, most of the orphans, the lame, the blind, and the poor we see in our neighbourhood may not have been in those situations as a result of their sins, but because God wants to use them to bring glory to His Holy name by making them the way they.
You hear of a damily who were so wretched and poor and finally, miraculously, God lifts them up. You also hear of a blind, lame, deaf and dump people who miraculosly recieve their healing after crying out to God for a long time.
When people see or hear of these deeds of God, they glorify Him and believe that whatever they pass through, He will bring them out of it victoriously.
So then, God has given us His word to guide us, His Holy spirit to enable us and the priviledge of coming to Him anywhere at anytime. Turn to God today and remain with Him. He will deliver you from all your troubles. It doesn’t matter how long. Just, trust Him.


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